Monday, September 29, 2008

A Month Late...

First day of school!

Both kids are doing great at school and in daycare and I am adjusting to being back to teaching. I have a great class, so that helps a lot. It is such a blast to see Sam at school every day, and Luciana is the princess of Munchkin Manor! It is an adjustment, and I miss our "lazy" days together, but everyone really is doing so well that I just can't complain. As October approaches, I feel that old sense of routine starting to kick in, and the frantic pace of September seems to be evening out... knock on wood!
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Bobbi said...

Hey, beautiful kiddos!! I miss those "lazy" days too when we sneak our little play dates.

Let's hope October is smoother for us all!!

Good updating!! :>)

Daphne said...

Ahhh! Your kids are so cute!