Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Look Back...

I had to step over 3 dolls and around a life size doll house, past a toddling beauty, and through a trail of toys to sneak off to my laptop tonight... how great is that?!?!

I had this pull to peek back at "this time last year", knowing it would stir up all kinds of emotions and memories... and it did, but looking back is soooooo good for me. I can't explain it, except that I can remember writing many of those posts last year through a haze of tears, and when I read them now, my cheeks hurt from smiling because it was all worth it.

So, with that said, and with a little wild woman waiting in the next room, I am signing off... leaving you with a linkback to January 2008 if you want to remember, too. Remember, start at the bottom... oh, blogger!

Much love!


Bobbi said...

What a ride it was, but you are right it was worth it!! Why it couldn't be easy who knows? But, it makes you cherish that toddling mess that much more. I

Reese will bring his cars over to park in the life-size garage!!

Steph said...

Okay, I am crying my eyes out. Really. It brings back so much. In some ways, I feel like this was just yesterday yet it also feels like a world away. Oh how things have changed! Tears of pure joy.

I can't WAIT until February. Are you ready for that margarita?