Friday, December 21, 2007

Fav Foto Friday


Emily said...

What a beautful card! You've got 2very beautiful children! And I was SO happy to see your decree was signed-- wishing you PINK very soon! :-)

Pineapple Princess said...

What beautiful children you have! You heart must just be overflowing!
Have a merry, merry Christmas!!!

Stacy and Isabella

Steph said...

Beautiful!! Two incedible blessings!! Have a wonderfully merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

We loved our holiday card...! Thank you. I can't believe Luciana is already 6mnths. Sam still looks so much like his Uncle John... so handsome!
Talk w/you soon.
Love, Katie

Guatemama said...

I love your card! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Tracy Jens Alex and Anika

veggiemom said...

Simply beautiful!
Kerri and Ruby