Friday, November 30, 2007

Fav Fotos Friday

Better late than never. These pics are from the day we picked Sam up at school after being in Guatemala with Luciana. We had not seen him in 9 days before this moment! He was walking down the hall with the other students and didn't really notice us. When the teacher stopped the line, she told everyone to wait. Then, she looked at Sam and said, "You. You can run!" And he did... too big backpack bouncing along behind him. The moment literally took my breath away and I was on my knees in tears ready to grab him! We hugged for so long until Keith said, "MY TURN!" Ha! It was a great reunion. Sam, being the ever practical child that he is, informed us that while we were away, everyone was getting their houses ready for Halloween and we were not ready. We pulled into to a local nursery, loaded up the mums, pumpkins and ghosties, and we headed home to get ready! It was a great day after a long hard night.
Enjoy the pics.

Much love.


Guatemama said...

Oh Beth!
Ok I am sitting here just crying. What a special moment. FUNNY Kboy was really into Halloween this year too and liked to go around the neighborhood comparing "who was ready and who wasn't" :)

I am stalking your blog watching for your out post.

Guatemama said...

Oh Beth!
Ok I am sitting here just crying. What a special moment. FUNNY Kboy was really into Halloween this year too and liked to go around the neighborhood comparing "who was ready and who wasn't" :)

I am stalking your blog watching for your out post.

Guatemama said...

Oh Beth!
Ok I am sitting here just crying. What a special moment. FUNNY Kboy was really into Halloween this year too and liked to go around the neighborhood comparing "who was ready and who wasn't" :)

I am stalking your blog watching for your out post.

Guatemama said...

sorry about that posting 3 times I tried to cx two but I can't get it to work

Bobbi said...

Oh, the reunion is always just what we need. Don't know what I would do it I had not had my girls to return home to.

Beautiful story!

Steph said...

What a special moment!!! How incredibly sweet!!

veggiemom said...

What a great teacher to give you such a special reunion. Love the pics.
Kerri and Ruby

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I love those pictures.

Emily said...

I love your posts- they always have that "special" something to them!

You and your son are so blessed- you have such a beautiful family!

I too am SOOO waiting for that OUT post! :-)

Donna said...

Goose bumps and tears!! What a an incredible moment!! So sweet!!!